Categories: Java

Join Paath Shiksha’s Java Programming Course and build a strong foundation for your IT career!


Java Programming Syllabus


Course Overview

This Java course by Paath Shiksha is designed to take students from beginner to advanced levels in Java programming. The curriculum is tailored for IT sector students, with practical examples and hands-on projects.

Module 1: Introduction to Java

  1. Overview of Java

    • History and Features of Java

    • Java Development Kit (JDK), Java Runtime Environment (JRE), and Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

    • Setting up the Java Development Environment

  2. Basics of Java Programming

    • Writing Your First Java Program

    • Understanding Java Syntax

    • Data Types, Variables, and Constants

  3. Operators and Control Statements

    • Arithmetic, Logical, and Relational Operators

    • Conditional Statements (if, else if, switch)

    • Loops (for, while, do-while)

Module 2: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Java

  1. Core OOP Concepts

    • Classes and Objects

    • Constructors

    • Methods and Method Overloading

  2. Advanced OOP Concepts

    • Inheritance and Polymorphism

    • Abstract Classes and Interfaces

    • Encapsulation and Access Modifiers

  3. Packages and Exception Handling

    • Creating and Using Packages

    • Importing Built-in Packages

    • Exception Types and Handling Techniques

    • Try, Catch, Finally, and Throw/Throws Keywords

Module 3: Advanced Java Features

  1. Strings and Arrays

    • Working with Strings

    • StringBuilder and StringBuffer

    • Arrays (Single-Dimensional and Multi-Dimensional)

  2. Collections Framework

    • Introduction to Collections

    • ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, TreeSet, HashMap, TreeMap

    • Iterators and Streams

  3. File Handling

    • Reading and Writing Files

    • Serialization and Deserialization

    • Java Input/Output Streams

Module 4: Multithreading and Concurrency

  1. Multithreading Basics

    • Threads and the Runnable Interface

    • Thread Lifecycle

    • Synchronization and Inter-thread Communication

  2. Concurrency Utilities

    • Executor Framework

    • Callable and Future

    • Locks and Semaphores

Module 5: Java GUI and Event-Driven Programming

  1. Swing and AWT

    • Introduction to Java GUI Frameworks

    • Components: Buttons, Text Fields, Labels, etc.

    • Layout Managers

  2. Event Handling

    • ActionListener and KeyListener

    • Mouse Events and Window Events

Module 6: Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

  1. Database Basics

    • Overview of Databases and SQL

    • Setting Up a Database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.)


    • Connecting Java with a Database

    • Performing CRUD Operations

    • Using Prepared Statements and Transactions

Module 7: Web Development with Java

  1. Servlets and JSP

    • Basics of Web Development

    • Introduction to Servlets

    • Java Server Pages (JSP) Basics

  2. Frameworks Overview

    • Basics of Spring Framework

    • Hibernate for ORM

Module 8: Hands-On Projects

  1. Basic Projects

    • Console-based Calculator

    • Student Management System

  2. Advanced Projects

    • E-commerce Application Backend

    • Chat Application using Java Networking

Module 9: Interview Preparation

  1. Frequently Asked Java Questions

  2. Coding Challenges and Solutions

  3. Mock Interviews

Additional Resources

  • Weekly Quizzes and Assignments

  • Access to Recorded Sessions

  • Doubt-Solving Sessions

  • Certification on Completion

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